Protecting Constitutional freedom begins locally.
It starts with “weeding your own backyard.” by Dave Hindman (Comal County land-owner) April 1, 2024 What is a “Natural Area” and how can I go there? The answer is, “You can’t go there.” In “green” environmentalist parlance, a “Natural Area” is exactly that, by definition. It is a “no human access” zone or “no - go zone” because humans are not considered a natural part of the ecosystem under the “Green Agenda.” The only human access is to be reserved for the managing authority only. And, often, that managing authority is a nonprofit organization, not the government (although it can be under government control, of course). * (Note: environmentalist terminology tends to be amorphous. Definitions change to suit the agenda. What was a “Natural Area” today could be called “Conservation Lands” tomorrow. The bottom line is this plan creates the provision where tax-payer funded acquisitions can result in land which nobody can ever use under any circumstances and is reserved to plants and animals alone). What is the Comal County Parks, Open Space, and Natural Areas Master Plan? It is a plan which is being voted on this Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 8:30 AM at the Comal County Commissioners Court meeting. The plan is the attempt to use “development panic” to begin to acquire land portfolios, transferring title, or partial title, of private lands into the hands of nonprofit organizations and government, through a pseudo-consensus process (manipulation) which included only 1250 people and excludes the vast majority of Comal County voters. It is part of the “land grab” strategy, driven by United Nations Agenda 21. (The Green New Deal is, essentially, synonymous with Agenda 21. The Green New Deal is merely the new public relations and marketing campaign for UN Agenda 21). How did all this come about in Comal County? It began a little over a year ago with the award of a $140,000 contract to Halff Associates, a consulting and engineering firm, to begin holding public meetings and surveys. However, it was primarily only the membership and leadership of local environmentalist nonprofits who understood the plan’s true significance, so the process was heavily advertised internally, within these nonprofits. This resulted in an unbalanced attendance at these meetings of enviro-agenda-driven groups, rather than the average voter or taxpayer. Unfortunately, Halff corporate philosophies cause this architectural engineering firm to transgress the boundaries into “social engineering.” Don’t I want to restrict development and protect green space? Maybe. But, the question is, “what is the right way?” Private property owners with acreage are already protecting their own green spaces. However, environmentalists and governments want access to those green spaces in the name of conservation and preservation. What they really want is control. Development in Comal County is not being driven by greedy companies. Instead, it is being driven by greedy government. High costs which are complicated by high property taxes are driving property owners to either sell their land to developers or are forcing them to develop their own land so they can afford to keep it. Nobody wants to risk defaulting on taxes or loans, putting their land ownership and solvency in jeopardy. Government is using this situation to drive panicked residents into the arms of nonprofit environmentalist organizations who promise to preserve their rural way of life. However, these environmentalist organizations are the local outgrowth and implementation of global policy in the form of United Nations Agenda 21 (Green New Deal). Agenda 21 means, “The Agenda for the 21st Century.” It has nothing to do with the year “2021.” You will often hear of additional plans for the year 2030, 2045 and 2050. It is, without question, driven by anti-Constitution, Marxist-Fascist ideologies. This is not an exaggeration. This is a “bloodless coup d’etat” in the form of a “sustainable development” land-use planning revolution. So, what really is UN Agenda 21? It is the loss of all United States sovereignty. It is the loss of all Constitutional rights. It is “governance,” not government. It is control through unaccountable and unelected (to official government) board members, nonprofit organizations, and foundations, as well as unelected government appointees. It is like having the world’s largest, runaway Property Owners Association - only you don’t own any property because that would be “unsustainable.” It is totalitarian authoritarianism through environmentalism. It is redefining your thinking by redefining your terminology. For example, have you ever heard any of these words before?: Sustainability, resilience / resilient cities, stakeholders, best practices, Public / Private Partnerships, N.G.O.s (Non-Governmental Organizations), D.E.I. (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), consensus, facilitate / facilitator, driver, preserve, preservation, conservation / conservancy, vision / visioning, calming / traffic calming, environmental justice, environmental equity, planning, Conservation Easements, endangered / endangered species, species reintroduction, quality of life, smart growth / smart cities, scenic views, view-sheds, smart streets, social justice, stack and pack (housing), initiative, habitat, communities / sustainable communities, Three Es (Equity, Economy, Environment), ICLEI (International Committee on Local Environmental Initiatives), revitalization, travel tax, walkable, bikeable, watershed, wetlands, wildlands, rewilding, multi-use, dwellings, “New Economy.” They are redefining your thinking by redefining terminology and building a new vocabulary to define your new reality. Agenda 21 is, ultimately: “The action plan to inventory and control all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, education, energy, information and human beings in the world.” (Source: Rosa Koire, author of Behind the Green Mask). How can I help now? Email both your County Commissioner and County Judge Sherman Krause and insist that the Court reject and cancel this plan, despite it’s consulting and survey costs. It is better to take the $140,000 loss to Halff Associates for their work than it is to radically change the face of Comal County politics by supporting the restructuring of our government and our land-use processes and policies as dictated by the United Nations “climate change” agenda. Explain to them that, if they vote to pass this plan, you will not be able to support them in their next election cycle. Explain that, until that time, you intend to monitor their response and hold them accountable for their decision. After you send your email, make a quick call to their phone number to let them know to watch for your email. This plan is one of the finest examples of self-interested manipulation I have seen in Comal County. Links to the Master Plan and Appendices are at the end of this email. Contact Information: Sherman Krause - County Judge - email: [email protected] Phone: 830-221-1105 Donna Eccleston, Precinct #1 Commissioner - email: [email protected] Phone: 830-221-1101 Scott Haag, Precinct #2 Commissioner - email: [email protected] Phone: 830-221-1102 Kevin Webb, Precinct #3 Commissioner - email: [email protected] Phone: 830-221-1103 Jen Crownover, Precinct #4 Commissioner - email. [email protected] Phone: 830-221-1104 Also, one of the hardest things to ignore is people who show up to speak in person about an issue. Citizens Comments are allowed (3 minutes per person) at the beginning of every Commissioners’ Court meeting prior to their voting on any Action Agenda items. The Court meets at the Comal County Court House, 100 N. Seguin Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130, on the 2nd floor, this Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 8:30 AM. A Final Word: Some of the local environmentalist organizations involved in this project were (but not necessarily limited to): Hill Country Alliance, Comal County Conservation Alliance, Comal Trails Alliance The Great Springs Project (an in-progress plan to create a 100 mile long “walkable / bikeable” trail connecting natural springs from Austin to San Marcos to New Braunfels to San Antonio. It is unquestionably driven by ideologies part and parcel of the UN Agenda 21 / Green New Deal agenda. The Great Springs Project claims they will work with and negotiate with landowners to create one contiguous 100-mile-long walking/biking trail but they have not ruled out, ultimately, the possibility of eminent domain or condemnation land-takings). At least two of your County Commissioners are closely involved and actively cooperative with one or more of these organizations. Also, one of the Commissioner Candidates currently in a run-off election is an active participant on the Board of Directors of the Comal County Conservation Alliance. This memo merely scratches the surface of a much deeper, and broader issue. Many authors, researchers and patriots on both sides of the aisle have written and spoken to warn Americans of this dangerous trend which has permeated our society in unprecedented ways. Speaking up and showing up at Thursday’s vote (and by phone and email) is a practical, local way you can protect American Constitutional freedom. As author Rosa Koire once said, “Weed your own backyard.” Resources for more information: Websites: The American Policy Center (Tom DeWeese) American Stewards of Liberty (Margaret Byfield) Books: AGENDA 21: The Wrenching Transformation of America by: multiple authors through The American Policy Center THE ACTIVISTS HANDBOOK: How to Fight Back in Your Community by: The American Policy Center U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy by: Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh (author escaped Romanian Communism) BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 by: Rosa Koire YouTube videos: The following focuses on Agenda 21 in California BUT Agenda 21 is in every state in the U.S. and throughout the world. Link: Comal County Parks, Open Space and Natural Areas Master Plan: Appendices: Public Engagement and Survey Results
April 2024
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